ILS will assist consumers in learning how to utilize the bus transit system as well. In some cases consumers may encounter scheduling difficulties with the above mentioned transportation providers. Empowering Mind's understands the metro transit bus system can be confusing and even intimidating at times. ILS is able to provide bus training to ease concerns and meet the consumers needs.

Minnesota Non-Emergency Transportation (MNET)

This type of transportation is available to consumers who are covered by medical assistance. ILS is able to assist consumers in utilizing this essential service. Consumers are able to schedule important medical appointments in advance and be assured they will have the necessary transportation. MNET providers are a door-to-door service.



Transit-Link is another transportation service available in the Metro area. There are several differences between this provider and Metro-Mobility. There is not an application process to be able to use this service. This service is available to anybody in the community. However, it is not a door-to-door service and will transport consumers in most cases to the nearest transit station. ILS will also assist consumers in understanding this particular service to help meet community access needs.

Metro-Bus Transit


Metro-Mobility is a transportation service for people with disabilities that are unable to use the regular bus transit system. ILS assists consumers in the application process and familiarizing them with how the transport service operates. Metro-Mobility is a door-to-door service and will take the consumer directly to their destination. 


A persons ability to access the community depends on their personal and community resources. ILS assists consumers with problem solving these issues as they relate to the person's disability and living situation. ILS can assist the consumer in advocating for themselves to increase their mobility in their home and the community.

 Empowering Minds LLC.